Loner Life In Another World Wiki

Haruka is the main protagonist of the Loner Life in Another World series. He is a loner from his previous world.

Since all his classmates had taken the cheating skills, Haruka is left with the remaining and useless skills, among them the title "Bocchi" (Loner) that makes it impossible for Haruka to join any party.

"Haruka" is his family name. He hates being called by his given name, and refuses to give it out.[1]



As someone who was once isolated in his previous world, he neither desires nor knows how to engage with others. He seeks a tranquil, solitary existence and is averse to involving himself in the affairs of others. Despite his reluctance to deal with people's issues, he possesses a kind-hearted nature and readily assists those in need. Additionally, he demonstrates considerable intelligence, particularly evident in his strategic approach to combat when facing monsters. However, he often encounters difficulties when interacting with affectionate women in his vicinity.


Haruka experienced the loss of his entire family at a very young age.

He and his father endured severe burns while attempting to rescue Haruka's mother and sister from a fire. Tragically, his father did not survive.

In another incident, Haruka and his mother rescued his sister and other children from a reckless driver, resulting in Haruka sustaining grave injuries. Unfortunately, his mother did not survive this ordeal.

In a subsequent tragedy, Haruka attempted to protect his sister in a manslaughter incident, sustaining numerous knife wounds. Regrettably, his sister did not survive.

The trauma of being unable to protect his family has left Haruka with a profound aversion to the death of people he cares about. As a coping mechanism, he attempts to create psychological distance from others, often "not remembering" anybody's name correctly. Despite this, he finds himself developing genuine concern for those around him. Haruka engages in self-deception, employing erratic and nonsensical rationalizations to cope with the emotional turmoil within him.

In Another World[]

One day, a magic circle appeared out of nowhere in Haruka's classroom. He figured it was most likely to summon people to another world, like the fiction stories he often read about. He tried unsuccessfully to escape but ended up in a white room all alone. An old man claiming to be god eventually appeared, explaining to Haruka that all his classmates had picked their summon bonuses and went to the Other World, and Haruka is the only straggler. Haruka looked through the list of remaining skills, most of which looked outright pitiful, and gave god an earful. God was embarrassed at first but eventually snapped and gave Haruka every single leftover bonus, including ones that have major drawbacks.

Haruka landed in a forest all alone. With the kitchen sink of summon bonuses, Haruka maxed out his luck to be "Above Limit" and experimented with various ways to utilize his skills and items to survive. He found a cave and remodeled it to be his home and eventually ran across various classmates who had split up, unintentionally placing Mean Girls under Servitude in the process. After saving the girls, he helped them train and together found their way out of the forest.

General Reputation[]

The death of the Ultimate Dungeon and the economic transformation around the Frontier thereafter put a spotlight on Haruka throughout the continent.

Within the Frontier[]

Within the Frontier, Haruka is treated like a force of nature, "The Calamity of Happiness".

If the calamity befalls upon you, there's nothing you can do about it. You can't turn it down, you won't have the means to possibly repay him. Your only choice is to accept the happiness that ensues and live a happy life, because tragedy has been brutally murdered. He is also ultimately considered a hero much to his dismay.

Outside the Frontier[]

Haruka earned the nickname "Dungeon Killer," with many believing that, at his super low level, he simply defeated the Ultimate Dungeon through sheer dumb luck.

Following the conclusion of the Kingdom Civil War, he gained another moniker as "the Black-Haired Strategist" for the pivotal role he played.

A highly popular stage play depicting the civil war popularized the portrayal of the Black-Haired Strategist as a sly yet comical coward. In the play, he used the immense wealth acquired through dumb luck to enlist the Black-Haired Princesses as his servants. He cunningly orchestrated his servants to bravely face the monster stampede on the front lines while he remained safely hidden in the castle. When enemies assaulted the castle, the seemingly feeble Black-Haired Strategist, unable to fight, resorted to running all over the castle to evade his attackers until the heroes of the story came to the rescue. He became known as the Black-Haired Clown, a character created by Haruka himself in the stage play.

Despite the theatrical portrayal, some individuals doubted that wealth alone could keep powerful figures like the Black-Haired Princesses in his service. They suspected the Black-Haired Strategist might possess mind-control or brainwashing methods, possibly through a devious skill or a magical artifact discovered in the Great Dungeon.

Others speculated that the Black-Haired Princesses were actually serving someone else, and the Black-Haired Clown was merely a hired cover to shield the true master from discovery. However, those who encountered him and his group quickly realized they were mistaken.


  • Father - (Deceased)
  • Mother - (Deceased)
  • Konata - Younger sister. Just 10 months younger than Haruka and Konata falls into the same grade at school. (Deceased)
  • Class Rep - Went to the same school and has been in the same homeroom together since first grade. He is unaware of the fact that she has feelings for him however he does care about her greatly caring about her safety and happiness and panics when she cries. He is also unaware of the fact that whenever she scolds him that it was out of concern for him and only assumes that it was because is affinity is low.
  • Classmates - Haruka maintains a positive relationship with his classmates as they all hold him in high regard and care deeply for him. His male classmates consider him a cherished friend, while most of the female classmates harbor feelings for him. They actively join the class representative in scolding him when he engages in risky activities alone, demonstrating genuine concern for his well-being.

Similarly, Haruka, despite his reluctance to admit it, reciprocates these feelings. The primary motivation behind his self-sacrificing actions for them, even at the risk of his own life, is his desire to spare them from the sadness and loneliness he himself has experienced. While he may hesitate to ask for help, he does so when it's offered or when he deems a task beyond his capabilities, depending on the situation.

These sentiments are not lost on the class, and they take Haruka's feelings to heart. During a moment of vulnerability, they overheard him expressing his concerns behind a closed door after urging them to level up for an upcoming battle and potential future threats to their safety and happiness. In that candid moment, he advised them not to think too highly of him, revealing the depth of his care for them. This realization prompts the class to vow reciprocation, understanding just how much Haruka values their well-being and inspiring them to do the same for him.

Stats & Skills[]

These are Haruka's stats in the novels. In the manga his growth had a somewhat different progression.

Day 1 after he rolled the dice twice[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 1 Job: ---
HP: 10 MP: 10
VIT: 10 POW: 10 SPE: 10 DEX: 10 MIN:* 10
INT: 10 LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 0
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
  • English LN vol 1 often uses "RES" instead of "MIN"
杖術 Cane Mastery Lv 1
温度 Heat Lv 1
移動 Movement Lv 1
斤量 Weight Lv 1
梱包 Packing Lv 1
健康 General Health Lv 1
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 1
体操 Calisthenics Lv 1
歩行 Walking Lv 1
- Consultant Lv 1 This skill only appears in the English light novel
使役 Servitude Lv 1 (NEW)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 1
にーと NEET Lv 1
ぼっち Loner Lv 1 (NEW)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 1
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 1
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 1
布袋 Cloth Bag Contains Generic Villager A Set

At the end of the day[]

by the end of Day 1 Haruka gained the following additional skills:

and has the following items equipped:

Day 2[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 2 (1↑) Job: ---
HP: 23 (13↑) MP: 21 (11↑)
VIT: 22 (12↑) POW: 21 (15↑) SPE: 25 (15↑) DEX: 25 (15↑) MIN:* 21 (11↑)
INT: 25 (15↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 5
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
  • English LN vol 1 often uses "RES" instead of "MIN"
杖術 Cane Mastery Lv 2 (1↑)
回避 Evasion Lv 1 (NEW)
見切り Foresight Lv 1 (NEW)
魔力纏 Magic Infusion Lv 1 (NEW)
温度 Heat Lv 2 (1↑)
移動 Movement Lv 1
斤量 Weight Lv 1
梱包 Packing Lv 1
火魔法 Fire Lv 1 (NEW)
健康 General Health Lv 1
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 2 (1↑)
体操 Calisthenics Lv 2 (1↑)
歩行 Walking Lv 1
- Consultant Lv 1 This skill only appears in the English light novel
使役 Servitude Lv 1
鑑定 Appraisal Lv 2 (NEW, 1↑)
千里眼 Clairvoyance Lv 1 (NEW)
気配察知 Presence Detection Lv 2 (NEW, 1↑)
索敵 Enemy Tracking Lv 2 (NEW, 1↑)
魔力操作 Magic Manipulation Lv 1 (NEW↑)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 1
にーと NEET Lv 1
ぼっち Loner Lv 1
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 1
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 1
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 1
木の棒? Wooden Stick?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
コンタクト? Contact Lenses?
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Cloth Bag

End of Day 4[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 3 (1↑) Job: ---
HP: 35 (12↑) MP: 32 (11↑)
VIT: 37 (15↑) POW: 35 (14↑) SPE: 38 (13↑) DEX: 38 (13↑) MIN:* 36 (15↑)
INT: 40 (15↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 18 (Light Novel), 16 (Web)
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
  • English LN vol 1 often uses "RES" instead of "MIN"
杖術 Cane Mastery Lv 2
回避 Evasion Lv 2 (1↑)
見切り Foresight Lv 2 (1↑)
魔力纏 Magic Infusion Lv 2 (1↑)
温度 Heat Lv 2
移動 Movement Lv 1
斤量 Weight Lv 1
梱包 Packing Lv 1 (Lv 2 in the Web Novel)
火魔法 Fire Lv 1 (Lv 2 in the Web Novel)
土魔法 Earth Lv 1 (NEW)
健康 General Health Lv 1 (Lv 2 in the Web Novel)
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 2
体操 Calisthenics Lv 2
歩行 Walking Lv 2
- Consultant x
使役 Servitude Lv 1
鑑定 Appraisal Lv 3 (1↑)
千里眼 Clairvoyance Lv 1
気配察知 Presence Detection Lv 2
索敵 Enemy Tracking Lv 2
魔力操作 Magic Manipulation Lv 1
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 1 (NEW)
隠密 Stealth Lv 1 (NEW)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 2 (1↑)
にーと NEET Lv 1
ぼっち Loner Lv 2 (1↑)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 1
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 1
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 1
木の棒? Wooden Stick?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
コンタクト? Contact Lenses?
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Bag of Holding
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +1% (NEW)

(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")

Day 9 right after fighting Kobolds (Web only)[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age: 16 Level: 4 (1↑) Job: ---
HP: 50 (15↑) MP: 47 (15↑)
VIT: 52 (15↑) POW: 48 (13↑) SPE: 43 (15↑) DEX: 43 (15↑) MIN: 50 (14↑)
INT: 55 (15↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 34
杖術 Cane Mastery Lv 3 (1↑)
回避 Evasion Lv 3 (1↑)
見切り Foresight Lv 2
魔力纏 Magic Infusion Lv 2
温度 Heat Lv 2
移動 Movement Lv 3 (2↑)
斤量 Weight Lv 2 (1↑)
梱包 Packing Lv 3 (1↑)
火魔法 Fire Lv 2
土魔法 Earth Lv 2
健康 General Health Lv 2
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 2
体操 Calisthenics Lv 2
歩行 Walking Lv 3 (1↑)
使役 Servitude Lv 1
鑑定 Appraisal Lv 3
千里眼 Clairvoyance Lv 2 (1↑)
気配察知 Presence Detection Lv 2
索敵 Enemy Tracking Lv 2
魔力操作 Magic Manipulation Lv 2 (1↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 2 (1↑)
隠密 Stealth Lv 1
隠蔽 Hiding Lv 1 (learned on Day 8 from the Nerds)
地図 Map Lv 1 (learned on Day 6)
集中 Focus Lv 1 (NEW)
物理耐性 Physics Resistance Lv 1 (New)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 2 (1↑)
にーと NEET Lv 1
ぼっち Loner Lv 2 (1↑)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 1
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 1
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 1
木の棒? Wooden Stick?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
コンタクト? Contact Lenses?
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Bag of Holding
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +1%
(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")

(Details were omitted in the light novel)

Skills learned by the end of the day (after Haruka checked his status):

  • Water Magic
  • Air Magic, immediately replaced by Four Elements
  • Four Elements Magic, which replaced Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind magic
  • Wood magic

Equipment change by the end of the day:

Day 10 (Web only)[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age: 16 Level: 5 (1↑) Job: ---
HP: 65 (15↑) MP: 61 (14↑)
VIT: 65 (13↑) POW: 63 (15↑) SPE: 58 (15↑) DEX: 58 (15↑) MIN: 64 (14↑)
INT: 69 (14↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 40
杖術 Cane Mastery Lv 5 (2↑)
回避 Evasion Lv 4 (1↑)
見切り Foresight Lv 3 (1↑)
魔力纏 Magic Infusion Lv 3 (1↑)
温度 Heat Lv 3 (1↑)
移動 Movement Lv 4 (1↑)
斤量 Weight Lv 3 (1↑)
梱包 Packing Lv 4 (1↑)
火魔法 Fire x consolidated into Four Elements
土魔法 Earth x consolidated into Four Elements
四大魔法 Four Elements Lv 1 (NEW) (learned on Day 9)
木魔法 Wood Lv 1 (NEW) (learned on Day 9)
健康 General Health Lv 2
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 2
体操 Calisthenics Lv 3 (1↑)
歩行 Walking Lv 4 (1↑)
使役 Servitude Lv 1
鑑定 Appraisal Lv 3
千里眼 Clairvoyance Lv 3 (1↑)
気配察知 Presence Detection Lv 3 (1↑)
索敵 Enemy Tracking Lv 3 (1↑)
魔力操作 Magic Manipulation Lv 4 (2↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 3 (1↑)
隠密 Stealth Lv 3 (2↑)
隠蔽 Hiding Lv 1
地図 Map Lv 2 (1↑)
集中 Focus Lv 2 (1↑)
物理耐性 Physics Resistance Lv 2 (1↑)
魔力回復 MP Regeneration Lv 1 (NEW)
体力回復 Stamina Regeneration Lv 1 (NEW)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 3 (1↑)
にーと NEET Lv 2 (1↑)
ぼっち Loner Lv 3 (1↑)
魔導師 Sorcerer Lv 1 (NEW)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 1
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 1
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 1
木の棒? ⇒ 樹の杖? Wooden Stick? Evolved on Day 9
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
コンタクト? Contact Lenses?
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Bag of Holding
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +1%
(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")
(Details were omitted in the light novel)

Day 12[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 7 (2↑) Job: ---
HP: 93 (28↑) MP: 92 (31↑)
VIT: 91 (26↑) POW: 89 (26↑) SPE: 87 (29↑) DEX: 87 (29↑) MIN:* 96 (32↑)
INT: 99 (30↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 97
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
  • English LN vol 1 often uses "RES" instead of "MIN"
杖術 Cane Mastery Lv 6 (1↑)
回避 Evasion Lv 4
見切り Foresight Lv 3
魔力纏 Magic Infusion Lv 4 (1↑)
温度 Heat Lv 4 (1↑)
移動 Movement Lv 6 (2↑)
斤量 Weight Lv 4 (1↑)
梱包 Packing Lv 5 (1↑)
四大魔法 Four Elements Lv 3 (2↑) (Lv 4 in the English version)
木魔法 Wood Lv 2 (1↑)
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 1 (NEW)
健康 General Health Lv 2
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 3 (1↑)
体操 Calisthenics Lv 4 (1↑)
歩行 Walking Lv 6 (2↑)
使役 Servitude Lv 3 (2↑)
鑑定 Appraisal Lv 4 (1↑)
千里眼 Clairvoyance Lv 3
気配察知 Presence Detection Lv 4 (1↑)
索敵 Enemy Tracking Lv 4 (1↑)
魔力操作 Magic Manipulation Lv 5 (1↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 3
隠密 Stealth Lv 3
隠蔽 Hiding Lv 2 (1↑)
地図 Map Lv 3 (1↑)
集中 Focus Lv 4 (2↑)
物理耐性 Physics Resistance Lv 2
魔力回復 MP Regeneration Lv 3 (2↑)
体力回復 Stamina Regeneration Lv 2 (1↑)
並列思考 Parallel Thinking Lv 1 (NEW)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 4 (1↑)
にーと NEET Lv 3 (1↑)
ぼっち Loner Lv 4 (1↑)
魔導師 Sorcerer Lv 4 (3↑)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 2 (1↑)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 3 (2↑)
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 2 (1↑)
木の棒? Wooden Stick? (樹の杖? in the Web Novel)
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
コンタクト? Contact Lenses?
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Bag of Holding
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +1% Speed +1%
(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")

Day 14 (Web only)[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age: 16 Level: 8 (1↑) Job: ---
HP: 106 (13↑) MP: 107 (15↑)
VIT: 105 (14↑) POW: 104 (15↑) SPE: 103 (16↑) DEX: 102 (15↑) MIN: 114 (18↑)
INT: 116 (17↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 115
杖術 Cane Mastery Lv 6
回避 Evasion Lv 5 (1↑)
見切り Foresight Lv 4 (1↑)
魔力纏 Magic Infusion Lv 5 (1↑)
温度 Heat Lv 4
移動 Movement Lv 6
斤量 Weight Lv 4
梱包 Packing Lv 5
四大魔法 Four Elements Lv 4 (1↑)
木魔法 Wood Lv 3 (1↑)
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 2 (1↑)
氷魔法 Ice Lv 1 (NEW)
健康 General Health Lv 3 (1↑)
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 3
体操 Calisthenics Lv 4
歩行 Walking Lv 6
使役 Servitude Lv 3
鑑定 Appraisal Lv 4
千里眼 Clairvoyance Lv 4 (1↑)
気配察知 Presence Detection Lv 5 (1↑)
索敵 Enemy Tracking Lv 5 (1↑)
魔力操作 Magic Manipulation Lv 5
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 4 (1↑)
隠密 Stealth Lv 4 (1↑)
隠蔽 Hiding Lv 3 (1↑)
地図 Map Lv 4 (1↑)
集中 Focus Lv 5 (1↑)
物理耐性 Physics Resistance Lv 3 (1↑)
魔力回復 MP Regeneration Lv 4 (1↑)
体力回復 Stamina Regeneration Lv 3 (1↑)
並列思考 Parallel Thinking Lv 2 (1↑)
直列思考 Serial Thinking Lv 1 (NEW)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 4
にーと NEET Lv 3
ぼっち Loner Lv 4
魔導師 Sorcerer Lv 5 (1↑)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 2
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 3
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 3 (1↑)
樹の杖? Wooden Stick?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
コンタクト? Contact Lenses?
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Bag of Holding
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +1% Speed +1%
(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")

Day 18[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 9 (1↑) Job: ---
HP: 120 (14↑) MP: 122 (15↑)
VIT: 118 (13↑) POW: 117 (13↑) SPE: 118 (15↑) DEX: 116 (14↑) MIN:* 130 (16↑)
INT: 134 (18↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 177
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
  • English LN vol 1 often uses "RES" instead of "MIN"
杖術 Cane Mastery Lv 6
回避 Evasion Lv 5
見切り Foresight Lv 5 (1↑)
魔力纏 Magic Infusion Lv 6 (1↑)
温度 Heat Lv 4
移動 Movement Lv 6
斤量 Weight Lv 5 (1↑)
梱包 Packing Lv 5
四大魔法 Four Elements Lv 5 (1↑)
木魔法 Wood Lv 4 (1↑)
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 3 (1↑)
氷魔法 Ice Lv 2 (1↑)
健康 General Health Lv 3
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 3
体操 Calisthenics Lv 4
歩行 Walking Lv 6
使役 Servitude Lv 3
鑑定 Appraisal Lv 5 (1↑)
千里眼 Clairvoyance Lv 5 (1↑)
気配察知 Presence Detection Lv 6 (1↑)
索敵 Enemy Tracking Lv 6 (1↑)
魔力操作 Magic Manipulation Lv 6 (1↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 5 (1↑)
隠密 Stealth Lv 5 (1↑)
隠蔽 Hiding Lv 4 (1↑)
地図 Map Lv 5 (1↑)
集中 Focus Lv 6 (1↑)
物理耐性 Physics Resistance Lv 4 (1↑)
魔力回復 MP Regeneration Lv 5 (1↑)
体力回復 Stamina Regeneration Lv 5 (2↑) (Lv 3 in the English version)
並列思考 Parallel Thinking Lv 3 (1↑)
直列思考 Serial Thinking Lv 3 (2↑)
疾駆 Dash Lv 1 (NEW)
空歩 Airwalk Lv 1 (NEW)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 4
にーと NEET Lv 3
ぼっち Loner Lv 4
魔導師 Sorcerer Lv 5
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 3 (1↑)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 3
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 3
樹の杖? Wooden Stick?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
コンタクト? Contact Lenses?
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Bag of Holding
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +1% Speed +1%
(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")

Evening of Day 23[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 11 ( 1↑) Job: ---
HP: 164 (44↑) MP: 170 (48↑)
VIT: 154 (36↓) POW: 158 (41↑) SPE: 166 (48↑) DEX: 165 (49↑) MIN: 174 (44↑)
INT: 181 (47↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 311
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖術 Cane Mastery Lv 9 (2↑)
回避 Evasion Lv 8 (2↑)
見切り Foresight Lv 9 (3↑)
魔力纏 Magic Infusion Lv 8 (2↑)
虚実 Life or Death Lv 2 (NEW)
瞬身 Rapid Movement Lv1 (NEW)
温度 Heat Lv 4
移動 Movement Lv 7 (1↑)
斤量 Weight Lv 7 (1↑)
梱包 Packing Lv 7 (1↑)
四大魔法 Four Elements Lv 6 (1↑)
木魔法 Wood Lv 6 (2↑)
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 4 (1↑)
氷魔法 Ice Lv 4 (1↑)
健康 General Health Lv 5 (1↑)
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 5 (1↑)
体操 Calisthenics Lv 8 (3↑)
歩行 Walking Lv 7 (1↑)
使役 Servitude Lv 5 (1↑)
鑑定 Appraisal Lv 8 (2↑)
千里眼 Clarvoyance Lv 7 (1↑)
気配察知 Presence Detection Lv 8 (1↑)
索敵 Enemy Tracking Lv 8 (1↑)
魔力操作 Magic Manipulation Lv 8 (2↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 6 (1↑)
隠密 Stealth Lv 8 (2↑)
隠蔽 Hiding Lv 8 (2↑)
地図 Map Lv 5
集中 Focus Lv 8 (2↑)
物理耐性 Physics Resistance Lv 6
魔力回復 MP Regeneration Lv 8 (2↑)
体力回復 Stamina Regeneration Lv 7 (1↑)
並列思考 Parallel Thinking Lv 6 (2↑)
直列思考 Serial Thinking Lv 6 (2↑)
高速思考 High-Speed Thinking Lv 7 (6↑) (Learned on Day 21)
疾駆 Dash Lv 5 (3↑)
空歩 Airwalk Lv 5 (3↑)
瞬速 Overclock Lv 5 (4↑) (Learned on Day 21)
神眼 God's Eye Lv 1 (NEW)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 5
にーと NEET Lv 5
ぼっち Loner Lv 5
魔導師 Sorcerer Lv 8 (3↑)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 4 (1↑)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 5 (1↑)
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 7 (3↑)
樹の杖? Wooden Stick?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
コンタクト? Contact Lenses?
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Bag of Holding
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +31% Speed +19%
(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")
黒帽子 Black Hat

Evening of Day 27[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 12 ( 1↑) Job: ---
HP: 186 (22↑) MP: 195 (25↑)
VIT: 173 (19↑) POW: 178 (20↑) SPE: 191 (25↑) DEX: 189 (24↑) MIN: 197 (23↑)
INT: 205 (24↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 527
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖術 Cane Mastery Lv 9 (2↑)
回避 Evasion Lv 9 (1↑)
見切り見極 ForesightAscertainment Lv 1 (NEW)
魔力纏 Magic Infusion Lv 9 (1↑)
虚実 Life or Death Lv 4 (2↑)
瞬身 Rapid Movement Lv3 (2↑)
浮身 Bend not Break Lv1 (NEW)
温度 Heat Lv 5 (1↑)
移動 Movement Lv 8 (1↑)
斤量 Weight Lv 8 (1↑)
梱包 Packing Lv 8 (1↑)
四大魔法 Four Elements Lv 8 (1↑)
木魔法 Wood Lv 7 (1↑)
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 6 (2↑)
氷魔法 Ice Lv 5 (1↑)
健康 General Health Lv 7 (2↑)
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 6 (1↑)
体操 Calisthenics Lv 9 (1↑)
歩行 Walking Lv 9 (2↑)
使役 Servitude Lv 6 (1↑)
鑑定 Appraisal Lv 9 (1↑)
千里眼 Clarvoyance Lv 8 (1↑)
気配察知 Presence Detection Lv 9 (1↑)
索敵 Enemy Tracking Lv 9 (1↑)
魔力操作 Magic Manipulation Lv 9 (1↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 7 (1↑)
隠密 Stealth Lv 8
隠蔽 Hiding Lv 9 (1↑)
地図 Map Lv 6 (1↑)
集中 Focus Lv 9 (1↑)
物理耐性 Physics Resistance Lv 8 (2↑)
魔力回復 MP Regeneration Lv 9 (1↑)
体力回復 Stamina Regeneration Lv 9 (2↑)
並列思考 Parallel Thinking Lv 8 (2↑)
直列思考 Serial Thinking Lv 8 (2↑)
高速思考 High-Speed Thinking Lv 8 (1↑)
疾駆 Dash Lv 6 (1↑)
空歩 Airwalk Lv 6 (1↑)
瞬速 Overclock Lv 7 (2↑)
神眼 God's Eye Lv 3 (2↑)
写技 Mimicry Lv 1 (NEW)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 6 (1↑)
にーと NEET Lv 6 (1↑)
ぼっち Loner Lv 6 (1↑)
魔導師 Sorcerer Lv 9 (1↑)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 5 (1↑)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 7 (2↑)
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 7 (2↑)
樹の杖? Wooden Stick?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
コンタクト? Contact Lenses?
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +39%, Speed +26%, Vitality +19%
(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")
黒帽子 Black Hat

Approximately Day 31?[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 16 ( 4↑) Job: ---
HP: 276 (90↑) MP: 294 (99↑)
VIT: 254 (81↑) POW: 256 (79↑) SPE: 290 (99↑) DEX: 286 (97↑) MIN: 299 (102↑)
INT: 313 (108↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 1774
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖術杖理 Cane MasteryPeerless Cane Mastery Lv 3 (6↑, NEW)
回避躱避 EvasionAvoid Lv 3 (4↑, NEW)
見極 Ascertainment Lv 7 (6↑)
魔力纏 Magic Infusion Max (1↑)
虚実 Life or Death Lv 8 (4↑)
瞬身 Rapid Movement Lv 7 (4↑)
浮身 Bend not Break Lv 3 (2↑)
温度 Heat Lv 7 (2↑)
移動転移 MovementTeleport Lv 4 (6↑, NEW)
斤量重力 WeightGravity Lv 2 (4↑, NEW)
梱包掌握 PackingHolding Lv 2 (4↑, NEW)
四大魔法四大魔術 Four ElementsFour Elements Sorcery Lv 2 (5↑, NEW)
木魔法 Wood Lv 8 (1↑)
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 8 (2↑)
氷魔法 Ice Lv 7 (2↑)
健康 General Health Lv 9 (2↑)
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 8 (2↑)
体操操身 CalisthenicsBody Manipulation Lv 4 (5↑, NEW)
歩行歩術 WalkingWalking Mastery Lv 3 (4↑, NEW)
使役 Servitude Lv 9 (3↑)
鑑定看破 AppraisalUncover Lv 2 (3↑)
千里眼 Clairvoyance MAX (2↑)
気配察知気配探知 Presence DetectionPresence Sensing Lv 2 (3↑)
索敵見敵 Enemy TrackingEnemy Reveal Lv 1 (2↑)
魔力操作魔力制御 Magic ManipulationMagic Control Lv 2 (2↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 8 (1↑)
隠密 Stealth Lv 9 (1↑)
隠蔽 Hiding Max (1↑)
地図 Map Lv 8 (2↑)
集中無心 FocusInsentience Lv 4 (5↑)
物理耐性物理無効 Physics ResistancePhysical-Proof Lv 2 (4↑)
魔力回復魔力吸収 MP RegenerationMP Absorption Lv 2 (3↑)
体力回復再生 Stamina RegenerationRevival Lv 1 (2↑)
並列思考 Parallel Thinking x Supreme Thinking
直列思考 Serial Thinking x Supreme Thinking
高速思考 High-Speed Thinking x Supreme Thinking
至考 Supreme Thinking Lv 1 (NEW) consolidated and evolved from
疾駆 Dash Lv 8 (2↑)
空歩 Airwalk Lv 7 (1↑)
瞬速 Overclock Lv 9 (2↑)
神眼 God's Eye Lv 8 (5↑)
写技 Mimicry Lv 5 (4↑)
空間把握 Area Analyze Lv 3 (NEW, 2↑)
learned earlier on Day 28
罠察知 Trap Detection Lv 3 (NEW, 2↑)
learned earlier on Day 28
(Lv 1 in the web novel)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 8 (2↑)
にーと NEET Lv 8 (2↑)
ぼっち Loner Lv 8 (2↑)
魔導師大魔導師 SorcererBane Sorcerer Lv 2 (3↑)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 6 (1↑)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 9 (2↑)
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 9 (2↑)
樹の杖? Wooden Stick?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
コンタクト? Contact Lenses?
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +39%, Speed +26%, Vitality +19%
(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")
黒帽子 Black Hat

Approximately Day 32?[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 17 ( 1↑) Job: ---
HP: 299 (23↑) MP: 318 (24↑)
VIT: 275 (21↑) POW: 276 (20↑) SPE: 316 (26↑) DEX: 311 (25↑) MIN: 325 (26↑)
INT: 340 (27↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 1108 (LN), 2116 (WN)
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖理 Peerless Cane Mastery Lv 5 (2↑)
躱避 Avoid Lv 3
見極 Ascertainment x Jupiter Eye
魔力纏 Magic Infusion Max
虚実 Life or Death Lv 9 (1↑)
瞬身 Rapid Movement Lv 8 (1↑)
浮身 Bend not Break Lv 3
瞳術 Eye Mastery Lv 1 (NEW)
温度 Heat Lv 8 (1↑)
転移 Teleport Lv 4
重力 Gravity Lv 3 (1↑)
掌握 Holding Lv 3 (1↑)
四大魔術 Four Elements Sorcery Lv 3 (1↑)
木魔法 Wood Lv 8
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 8
氷魔法 Ice Lv 8 (the English version is Lv 7 instead)
健康 General Health Lv 9
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 8
操身 Body Manipulation Lv 5 (1↑)
歩術 Walking Mastery Lv 4 (1↑)
使役 Servitude Lv 9
看破 Uncover x Jupiter Eye
千里眼 Clairvoyance x Jupiter Eye
気配探知 Presence Sensing Lv 2 (the English version removed Presence Sensing but kept Uncover instead)
見敵 Enemy Reveal x Jupiter Eye
魔力制御 Magic Control Lv 3 (1↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 8
隠密 Stealth Lv 9
隠蔽 Hiding Max
地図 Map x Jupiter Eye
無心 Insentience Lv 4
物理無効 Physical-Proof Lv 2
魔力吸収 MP Absorption Lv 2
再生 Revival Lv 1
至考 Supreme Thinking Lv 2 (1↑) (the English version is Lv 1 instead)
疾駆 Dash Lv 8
空歩 Airwalk Lv 7
瞬速 Overclock Lv 9
神眼羅神眼 God's EyeJupiter Eye Lv 1 (NEW)
写技 Mimicry x Jupiter Eye
空間把握 Area Analyze x Jupiter Eye
罠察知 Trap Detection x Jupiter Eye
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 8
にーと NEET Lv 8
ぼっち Loner Lv 8
大魔導師 Bane Sorcerer Lv 2
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 7 (the web novel kept it at Lv 6 instead)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 9
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 9
樹の杖? Wooden Stick?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
コンタクト?羅神眼 Contact Lenses?Jupiter Eye evolved from combining Evil Eye into Contact Lenses?
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +39%, Speed +26%, Vitality +19%
(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")
黒帽子 Black Hat

Evening of Day 37[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 18 ( 1↑) Job: ---
HP: 320 (21↑) MP: 343 (25↑)
VIT: 295 (20↑) POW: 295 (19↑) SPE: 344 (28↑) DEX: 336 (25↑) MIN: 350 (25↑)
INT: 368 (28↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 2979
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖理 Peerless Cane Mastery Lv 6 (1↑)
躱避 Avoid Lv 4 (1↑)
魔力纏魔纏 Magic InfusionMagic Entanglement Lv 1 (NEW)
虚実 Life or Death Lv 9
瞬身 Rapid Movement Lv 8
浮身 Bend not Break Lv 4 aka "Bubble"
瞳術 Eye Mastery Lv 1
金剛拳 Indestructible fist Lv 1 (NEW) aka "Diamond Fist"
温度 Heat Lv 9 (1↑)
転移 Teleport Lv 5 (1↑)
重力 Gravity Lv 4 (1↑)
掌握 Holding Lv 4 (1↑)
四大魔術 Four Elements Sorcery Lv 4 (1↑)
木魔法 Wood Lv 8
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 8
氷魔法 Ice Lv 9 (1↑)
健康 General Health Lv 9
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 8
操身 Body Manipulation Lv 6 (1↑)
歩術 Walking Mastery Lv 5 (1↑)
使役 Servitude Lv 9
気配探知 Presence Sensing Lv 3 (1↑)

(the En version has Uncover instead of Presence Sensing)

魔力制御 Magic Control Lv 4 (1↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 8
隠密 Stealth Lv 9
隠蔽 Hiding Lv Max
無心 Insentience Lv 4
物理無効 Physical-Proof Lv 2
魔力吸収 MP Absorption Lv 3 (1↑)
再生 Revival Lv 1
至考 Supreme Thinking Lv 3 (1↑)
疾駆 Dash Lv 8
空歩 Airwalk Lv 7
瞬速 Overclock Lv 9
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye Lv 2 (1↑)

(Lv 1 in the En version, although Haruka commented on it leveling up)

ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 8
にーと NEET Lv 8
ぼっち Loner Lv 8
大魔導師 Bane Sorcerer Lv 2
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 7 (the web novel kept it at Lv 6 instead)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 9
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 9
樹の杖? Wooden Stick?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +39%, Speed +26%, Vitality +19%

(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")

黒帽子 Black Hat

Evening of Day 46[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 19 ( 1↑) Job: ---
HP: 340 (20↑) MP: 369 (26↑)
VIT: 315 (20↑) POW: 313 (18↑) SPE: 372 (28↑) DEX: 360 (24↑) MIN: 374 (24↑)
INT: 397 (29↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 3747
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖理 Peerless Cane Mastery Lv 7 (1↑)
躱避 Avoid Lv 5 (1↑)
魔纏 Magic Entanglement Lv 4 (3↑)
虚実 Life or Death Lv 9
瞬身 Rapid Movement Lv 9 (1↑)
浮身 Bend not Break Lv 5 (1↑) aka "Bubble"
瞳術 Eye Mastery Lv 1
金剛拳 Indestructible fist Lv 2 (1↑) aka "Diamond Fist"
温度 Heat Lv 9
転移 Teleport Lv 6 (1↑)
重力 Gravity Lv 5 (1↑)
掌握 Holding Lv 5 (1↑)
四大魔術 Four Elements Sorcery Lv 5 (1↑)
木魔法 Wood Lv 8
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 8
氷魔法 Ice Lv 9
振動魔法 Vibration Lv 5 (NEW, 4↑)
錬金術 Alchemy Lv 1 (NEW)
健康 General Health Lv 9
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 8
操身 Body Manipulation Lv 7 (1↑)
歩術 Walking Mastery Lv 6 (1↑)
使役 Servitude Lv 9
気配探知 Presence Sensing Lv 4 (1↑) (the En version has Uncover instead of Presence Sensing)
魔力制御 Magic Control Lv 6 (2↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 8
隠密 Stealth Lv 9
隠蔽 Hiding Lv Max
無心 Insentience Lv 5 (1↑)
物理無効 Physical-Proof Lv 2
魔力吸収 MP Absorption Lv 4 (1↑)
再生 Revival Lv 3 (2↑)
至考 Supreme Thinking Lv 4 (1↑)
疾駆 Dash Lv 8
空歩 Airwalk Lv 7
瞬速 Overclock Lv 9
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye Lv 3 (1↑)
性豪 Super Horny Lv 5 (NEW, 4↑)
絶倫 Alpha Male Lv 5 (NEW, 4↑)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 8
にーと NEET Lv 8
ぼっち Loner Lv 8
大魔導師 Bane Sorcerer Lv 3 (1↑)
剣豪 Sword Master Lv 2 (NEW,1↑)
錬金術師 Alchemist Lv 1 (NEW)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 7
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 9
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 9
樹の杖? Wooden Staff?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +44%, Speed +33%, Vitality +24%

(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")

黒帽子 Black Hat

Evening of Day 52[2][]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 21 ( 2↑) Job: ---
HP: 378 (38↑) MP: 429 (60↑)
VIT: 336 (21↑) POW: 339 (26↑) SPE: 431 (59↑) DEX: 418 (58↑) MIN: 428 (54↑)
INT: 459 (62↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 2932
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖理 Peerless Cane Mastery Lv 8 (1↑)
躱避 Avoid Lv 6 (1↑)
魔纏 Magic Entanglement Lv 6 (2↑)
虚実 Life or Death Lv 9
瞬身 Rapid Movement Lv 9
浮身 Bend not Break Lv 6 (1↑) aka "Bubble"
瞳術 Eye Mastery Lv 1
金剛拳 Indestructible fist Lv 3 (1↑) aka "Diamond Fist"
温度止壊 HeatDecay Lv 2 (NEW, 1↑)
転移 Teleport Lv 7 (1↑)
重力 Gravity Lv 6 (1↑)
掌握 Holding Lv 6 (1↑)
四大魔術 Four Elements Sorcery Lv 6 (1↑)
木魔法 Wood Lv 8
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 9 (1↑)
氷魔法 Ice Lv 9
振動魔法 Vibration x Decay
錬金術 Alchemy Lv 4 (3↑)
空間魔法 Void Lv 2 (NEW, 1↑)
健康 General Health Lv 9
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 9 (1↑)
操身 Body Manipulation Lv 8 (1↑)
歩術 Walking Mastery Lv 7 (1↑)
使役 Servitude Lv 9
気配探知 Presence Sensing Lv 5 (1↑) (the En version has Uncover instead of Presence Sensing)
魔力制御 Magic Control Lv 8 (2↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 8
隠密 Stealth Lv 9
隠蔽 Hiding Lv Max
無心 Insentience Lv 7 (2↑)
物理無効 Physical-Proof Lv 2
魔力吸収 MP Absorption Lv 5 (1↑)
再生 Revival Lv 5 (2↑)
至考 Supreme Thinking Lv 6 (2↑)
疾駆 Dash Lv 8
空歩 Airwalk Lv 7
瞬速 Overclock Lv 9
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye Lv 4 (1↑)
性豪 Super Horny Lv 8 (3↑)
絶倫 Alpha Male Lv 8 (3↑)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 8
にーと NEET Lv 8
ぼっち Loner Lv 8
大魔導師 Bane Sorcerer Lv 4 (1↑)
剣豪 Sword Master Lv 3 (1↑)
錬金術師 Alchemist Lv 4 (3↑)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 8 (1↑)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 9
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 9
樹の杖? Wooden Staff?
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +44%, Speed +33%, Vitality +24%

(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")

黒帽子 Black Hat

Evening of Day 72[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 23 ( 2↑) Job: ---
HP: 415 (37↑) MP: 488 (59↑)
VIT: 358 (22↑) POW: 365 (26↑) SPE: 490 (59↑) DEX: 476 (58↑) MIN: 480 (52↑)
INT: 520 (61↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 1528
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖理 Peerless Cane Mastery Lv 9 (1↑)
躱避 Avoid Lv 7 (1↑)
魔纏 Magic Entanglement Lv 7 (1↑)
虚実 Life or Death Lv Max (1↑)
瞬身 Rapid Movement Lv 9
浮身 Bend not Break Lv 6 aka "Bubble"
瞳術 Eye Mastery Lv 1
金剛拳 Indestructible fist Lv 3 aka "Diamond Fist"
乱撃 Random Fire Lv 3 (NEW, 2↑)
止壊 Demolish Lv 2 aka "Decay"
転移 Teleport Lv 7
重力 Gravity Lv 7 (1↑)
掌握 Holding Lv 7 (1↑)
四大魔術 Four Elements Sorcery Lv 7 (1↑)
木魔法 Wood Lv 8
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 9
氷魔法 Ice Lv 9
錬金術 Alchemy Lv 6 (2↑)
空間魔法 Void Lv 4 (2↑)
健康 General Health Lv Max (1↑)
敏感 Sensitivity Lv 9
操身 Body Manipulation Lv 9 (1↑)
歩術 Walking Mastery Lv 8 (1↑)
使役 Servitude Lv 9
気配探知 Presence Sensing Lv 6 (1↑)
魔力制御 Magic Control Lv 9 (1↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 9 (1↑)
隠密 Stealth Lv 9
隠蔽 Hiding Lv Max
無心 Insentience Lv 8 (1↑)
物理無効 Physical-Proof Lv 4 (2↑)
魔力吸収 MP Absorption Lv 6 (1↑)
再生 Revival Lv 6 (1↑)
至考 Supreme Thinking Lv 7 (1↑)
疾駆 Dash Lv 8
空歩 Airwalk Lv 7
瞬速 Overclock Lv 9
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye Lv 5 (1↑)
性豪 Super Horny Lv Max (2↑)
絶倫 Alpha Male Lv Max (2↑)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 8
にーと NEET Lv 8
ぼっち Loner Lv 8
大魔導師 Bane Sorcerer Lv 5 (1↑)
剣豪 Sword Master Lv 4 (1↑)
錬金術師 Alchemist Lv 6 (2↑)
報連相 Corporate Proactiveness Lv 9 (1↑)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 9
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv 9
樹の杖?世界樹の杖 Wooden Stick?Universe Staff the staff's true form was revealed on Day 59
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +53%, Speed +45%, Vitality +31%

(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")

黒帽子 Black Hat

Evening of Day 83[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 24 ( 1↑) Job: ---
HP: 433 (18↑) MP: 519 (31↑)
VIT: 369 (11↑) POW: 377 (12↑) SPE: 520 (30↑) DEX: 505 (29↑) MIN: 506 (26↑)
INT: 550 (30↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 2017
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖理 Peerless Cane Mastery Lv Max (1↑)
躱避 Avoid Lv 8 (1↑)
魔纏 Magic Entanglement Lv 9 (2↑)
虚実 Life or Death Lv Max
瞬身 Rapid Movement Lv Max (1↑)
浮身 Bend not Break Lv 7 (1↑) aka "Bubble"
瞳術 Eye Mastery Lv 1
金剛拳 Indestructible fist Lv 5 (2↑) aka "Diamond Fist"
乱撃 Random Fire Lv 5 (2↑)
限界突破 Limit Break Lv 3 (NEW, 2↑)
止壊 Decay Lv 3 (1↑) aka "Demolish"
転移 Teleport Lv 8 (1↑)
重力 Gravity Lv 8 (1↑)
掌握 Holding Lv 9 (2↑)
四大魔術 Four Elements Sorcery Lv 7
木魔法 Wood Lv 9 (1↑)
雷魔法 Lightning Lv 9
氷魔法 Ice Lv 9
錬金術 Alchemy Lv 8 (2↑)
空間魔法 Void Lv 6 (2↑)
健康 General Health Lv Max
敏感 Sensitivity Lv Max (1↑)
操身 Body Manipulation Lv Max (1↑)
歩術 Walking Mastery Lv 9 (1↑)
使役 Servitude Lv 9
気配探知 Presence Sensing Lv 7 (1↑)
魔力制御 Magic Control Lv Max (1↑)
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 9
隠密 Stealth Lv 9
隠蔽 Hiding Lv Max
無心 Insentience Lv 9 (1↑)
物理無効 Physical-Proof Lv 5 (1↑)
魔力吸収 MP Absorption Lv 7 (1↑)
再生 Revival Lv 9 (3↑)
至考 Supreme Thinking x Wisdom
疾駆 Dash Lv 8
空歩 Airwalk Lv 8 (1↑)
瞬速 Overclock Lv 9
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye Lv 6 (1↑)
性豪 Super Horny x Sex God
絶倫淫技 Alpha MaleLascivious Lv 5 (NEW, 4↑)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 8
にーと NEET Lv 8
ぼっち Loner Lv 8
大魔導師 Bane Sorcerer Lv 6 (1↑)
剣豪 Sward Master Lv 6 (2↑) aka "Master Fencer"
錬金術師 Alchemist Lv 7 (1↑)
性王 Sex God Lv 5 (NEW, 4↑)

Evolved from Super Horny

報連相智慧 Corporate ProactivenessWisdom Lv 5 (NEW, 4↑)

Also consolidated Supreme Thinking

器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 9
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv Max (1↑)
世界樹の杖 Universe Staff
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
魔物の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Power +66%, Speed +65%, Vitality +38%

(in the Web Novel it's just "腕輪" = "Bracelet")

黒帽子 Black Hat
英知の頭冠 Wisdom Crown

Day 100[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 24 Job: ---
HP: 588 (155↑) MP: 646 (127↑)
VIT: 477 (108↑) POW: 493 (116↑) SPE: 631 (111↑) DEX: 553 (48↑) MIN: 599 (93↑)
INT: 663 (113↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 3414
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖理杖極 Peerless Cane MasteryUltimate Cane Mastery Lv 1 (1↑)
躱避 Avoid Lv 9 (1↑)
魔纏 Magic Entanglement Lv Max (1↑)
虚実 Life or Death Lv Max
瞬身 Rapid Movement Lv Max
浮身 Bend not Break Lv 8 (1↑) aka "Bubble"
瞳術 Eye Mastery Lv 2 (1↑)
金剛拳 Indestructible fist Lv 7 (2↑) aka "Diamond Fist"
乱撃 Random Fire Lv 7 (2↑)
限界突破 Limit Break Lv 5 (2↑)
止壊 Decay Lv 3 aka "Demolish"
転移 Teleport Lv 9 (1↑)
重力 Gravity Lv 9 (1↑)
掌握 Holding Lv 9
四大魔術複合魔術 Four Elements SorceryComposite Sorcery Lv 8 (NEW, 7↑)
木魔法 Wood x Composite Sorcery
雷魔法 Lightning x Composite Sorcery
氷魔法 Ice x Composite Sorcery
錬金術 Alchemy Lv 9 (1↑)
空間魔法 Void Lv 7 (1↑)
仙術 Qi Wizardry Lv 1 (NEW)
健康 General Health Lv Max
敏感 Sensitivity Lv Max
操身 Body Manipulation Lv Max
歩術 Walking Mastery Lv 9
使役 Servitude Lv 9
気配探知 Presence Sensing Lv 8 (1↑)
魔力制御 Magic Control Lv Max
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 9
隠密 Stealth Lv 9
隠蔽 Hiding Lv Max
無心 Insentience Lv 9
物理無効 Physical-Proof Lv 6 (1↑)
魔力吸収 MP Absorption Lv 8 (1↑)
再生 Revival Lv Max (1↑)
疾駆 Dash Lv 8
空歩 Airwalk Lv 8
瞬速 Overclock Lv 9
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye Lv 7 (1↑)
淫技 Lascivious Lv 7 (2↑)
房中術 Lovemaking Lv 1 (NEW)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 8
にーと NEET Lv 8
ぼっち Loner Lv 8
大魔導師大賢者 Bane SorcererArchsage Lv 2 (NEW, 1↑)
剣豪 Sword Master Lv 8 (2↑) aka "Master Fencer"
錬金術師 Alchemist Lv 8 (1↑)
性王 Sex God Lv 7 (1↑)
智慧 Wisdom Lv 6 (1↑)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 9
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv Max
世界樹の杖 Universe Staff
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
魔物の腕輪獣魔王の腕輪 Monster Braceket ("Bracelet of Demonic Beast")Monster Bracelet ("Bracelet of Beast Demon King") Powers up all abilities

Power +81%, Speed +77%, Vitality +41%
(Compounded with Bracelet of Demonic Beast)

黒帽子 Black Hat
英知の頭冠 Wisdom Crown
万薬のアンクレット 100-Poisons Anklet
禍福のイヤーカフ Fortune Ear Cuff
守護の肩連盾 Aegis Shoulder Shields
魔術師のブレスレット Sorcerer's Bracelet

Late Night of Day 103[2][]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 25 (1↑) Job: ---
HP: 610 (22↑) MP: 678 (32↑)
VIT: 499 (22↑) POW: 514 (21↑) SPE: 670 (39↑) DEX: 581 (28↑) MIN: 627 (28↑)
INT: 696 (33↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 3995
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖極 Ultimate Cane Mastery Lv 2 (1↑)
躱避 Avoid Lv 9
魔纏 Magic Entanglement Lv Max
虚実 Life or Death Lv Max
瞬身 Rapid Movement Lv Max
浮身 Bend not Break Lv 9 (1↑) aka "Bubble"
瞳術 Eye Mastery Lv 2
金剛拳 Indestructible fist Lv 8 (1↑) aka "Diamond Fist"
乱撃 Random Fire Lv 7
限界突破 Limit Break Lv 5
止壊 Decay Lv 3 aka "Demolish"
転移 Teleport Lv 9
重力 Gravity Lv 9
掌握 Holding Lv 9
複合魔術 Composite Sorcery Lv 8
錬金術 Alchemy Lv 9
空間魔法 Void Lv 7
仙術 Qi Wizardry Lv 2
健康 General Health Lv Max
敏感 Sensitivity Lv Max
操身 Body Manipulation Lv Max
歩術 Walking Mastery Lv 9
使役 Servitude Lv 9
気配探知 Presence Sensing Lv 8
魔力制御 Magic Control Lv Max
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 9
隠密 Stealth Lv 9
隠蔽 Hiding Lv Max
無心 Insentience Lv 9
物理無効 Physical-Proof Lv 7 (1↑)
魔力吸収 MP Absorption Lv 8
再生 Revival Lv Max
疾駆 Dash Lv 8
空歩 Airwalk Lv 8
瞬速 Overclock Lv 9
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye Lv 7
淫技 Lascivious Lv 8
房中術 Lovemaking Lv 3 (2↑)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 8
にーと NEET Lv 8
ぼっち Loner Lv 8
大賢者 Archsage Lv 2
剣豪剣王 Sword Master"Sword King" Lv 2 (NEW, 1↑)
錬金術師 Alchemist Lv 8
性王 Sex God Lv 7
智慧 Wisdom Lv 6
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 9
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv Max
世界樹の杖 Universe Staff
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
獣魔王の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Powers up all abilities

Power +81%, Speed +77%, Vitality +41%

黒帽子 Black Hat
英知の頭冠 Wisdom Crown
万薬のアンクレット 100-Poisons Anklet
禍福のイヤーカフ Fortune Ear Cuff
守護の肩連盾 Aegis Shoulder Shields
魔術師のブレスレット Sorcerer's Bracelet
魔吹矢 Blowgun

Late Night of Day 111[2][]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 26 (1↑) Job: ---
HP: 628 (18↑) WN
633 (23↑) LN
MP: 709 (31↑) WN
730 (52↑) LN
VIT: 516 (17↑) WN
529 (30↑) LN
POW: 533 (19↑) WN
552 (38↑) LN
SPE: 698 (28↑) WN
731 (61↑) LN
DEX: 603 (22↑) WN
623 (42↑) LN
MIN: 653 (26↑) WN
670 (43↑) LN
INT: 726 (30↑) WN
747 (51↑) LN
LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 2774
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖極 Ultimate Cane Mastery Lv 3 (1↑)
躱避 Avoid x 武仙術
魔纏 Magic Entanglement Lv Max
虚実 Life or Death Lv Max
瞬身 Rapid Movement x 武仙術
浮身 Bend not Break x 武仙術
瞳術 Eye Mastery Lv 2
金剛拳 Indestructible fist x 武仙術
乱撃 Random Fire Lv 7
限界突破 Limit Break Lv 5
武仙術 Lv 2 (NEW, 1↑)
止壊 Decay Lv 3 aka "Demolish"
転移 Teleport Lv 9
重力 Gravity Lv 9
掌握 Holding Lv 9
複合魔術 Composite Sorcery Lv 8
錬金術 Alchemy Lv 9
空間魔法 Void Lv 7
仙術 Qi Wizardry Lv 6 (4↑)
健康 General Health Lv Max
敏感 Sensitivity Lv Max
操身 Body Manipulation Lv Max
歩術 Walking Mastery Lv 9
使役 Servitude Lv 9
気配探知 Presence Sensing Lv 8
魔力制御 Magic Control Lv Max
気配遮断 Presence Concealment Lv 9
隠密 Stealth Lv 9
隠蔽 Hiding Lv Max
無心 Insentience Lv 9
物理無効 Physical-Proof Lv 7
魔力吸収 MP Absorption Lv 8
再生 Revival Lv Max
疾駆 Dash x 武仙術
空歩 Airwalk Lv 8
瞬速 Overclock x 武仙術
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye Lv 8 (1↑)
淫技 Lascivious Lv 9 (1↑)
房中術 Lovemaking Lv 5 (2↑)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 8
にーと NEET Lv 8
ぼっち Loner Lv 8
大賢者 Archsage Lv 2
剣王 "Sword King" Lv 3 (1↑)
錬金術師 Alchemist Lv 8
性王 Sex God Lv 8 (1↑)
智慧 Wisdom Lv 7 (1↑)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 9
木偶の坊 Blockhead Lv Max
世界樹の杖 Staff of Yggdrasil
影王剣 Replicant Great Sword (NEW)
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
獣魔王の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Powers up all abilities

Power +84%, Speed +79%, Vitality +46%

魔術師のブレスレット Sorcerer's Bracelet
黒帽子 Black Hat
英知の頭冠 Wisdom Crown
万薬のアンクレット 100-Poisons Anklet
禍福のイヤーカフ Fortune Ear Cuff
守護の肩連盾護神の肩連盾剣 Aegis Shoulder Shields"Shoulder Chain-Shield-Sword of Aegis"
魔術師のブレスレット Sorcerer's Bracelet (a second copy)
魔吹矢 Blowgun

Evening of Day 115[2][]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age:* 16 Level: 28 (2↑) Job: ---
HP: 679 (51↑) WN / (46↑) LN MP: 797 (88↑) WN / (67↑) LN
VIT: 559 (43↑) WN / (30↑) LN POW: 575 (42↑) WN / (23↑) LN SPE: 771 (73↑) WN / (40↑) LN DEX: 678 (75↑) WN / (55↑) LN MIN: 706 (53↑) WN / (36↑) LN
INT: 797 (71↑) WN / (50↑) LN LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 339
  • Age is omitted in the LN.
杖極 Ultimate Cane Mastery Lv 4 (1↑)
魔纏 Magic Entanglement Lv Max
虚実 Life or Death Lv Max
瞳術 Eye Mastery x 術理
乱撃 Random Fire Lv 8 (1↑)
限界突破 Limit Break Lv 6 (1↑)
武仙術 Lv 3 (1↑)
止壊 Decay Lv 3 aka "Demolish"
転移 Teleport Lv 9
重力 Gravity Lv 9
掌握 Holding Lv 9
複合魔術 Composite Sorcery x 術理
錬金術 Alchemy x 術理
空間魔法 Void Lv 7
仙術 Qi Wizardry Lv 7 (1↑)
健康 General Health x 術理
敏感 Sensitivity Lv Max
操身 Body Manipulation x 術理
歩術 Walking Mastery x 術理
使役 Servitude Lv 9
気配探知 Presence Sensing x 術理
魔力制御 Magic Control x 術理
気配遮断 Presence Concealment x 術理
隠密 Stealth x 術理
隠蔽 Hiding x 術理
無心 Insentience Lv 9
物理無効軽気功 Physical-Proof Lv 1 (NEW, 4↑)
魔力吸収 MP Absorption x 術理
再生内丹術 Revival Lv 1 (NEW, 1↑)
空歩 Airwalk Lv 8
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye Lv 8 (1↑)
淫技悦技 LasciviousPleasure Skills Lv 1 (NEW, 2↑)
房中術 Lovemaking Lv 7 (2↑)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 8
にーと NEET Lv 8
ぼっち Loner Lv 8
大賢者 Archsage Lv 4 (2↑)
剣王 "Sword King" Lv 4 (1↑)
錬金術師 Alchemist Lv 9 (1↑)
性皇 "Sex Emperor" Lv 1 (NEW, 3↑)
智慧 Wisdom Lv 7 (1↑)
器用貧乏 Master of None Lv 9
木偶の坊術理 Blockhead Lv 1 (NEW, 1↑)
世界樹の杖 Universe Staff
影王剣 Replicant Great Sword (NEW)
布の服? Clothes Set?
皮のグローブ? Leather Glove?
皮のブーツ? Leather Boots?
マント? Cloak?
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye
窮魂の指輪 Ring of the Destitute
アイテム袋 Item Bag
獣魔王の腕輪 Monster Bracelet Powers up all abilities

Power +84%, Speed +79%, Vitality +77%

魔術師のブレスレット Sorcerer's Bracelet
黒帽子 Black Hat
英知の頭冠 Wisdom Crown
万薬のアンクレット 100-Poisons Anklet
禍福のイヤーカフ Fortune Ear Cuff
護神の肩連盾剣 "Shoulder Chain-Shield-Sword of Aegis"
魔術師のブレスレット Sorcerer's Bracelet (a second copy)
魔吹矢 Blowgun

Haruka/Skills and stats/Pt.642

Haruka/Skills and stats/Pt.847

Haruka/Skills and stats/Pt.1039

Haruka/Skills and stats/Pt.1336

Haruka/Skills and stats/Pt.1535

Haruka/Skills and stats/Pt.1661

Evening of Day 238[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN Age: 17 Level: 39 ( 1) Job: ---
HP: 501 (10) MP: 1446 (141)
VIT: 311 (58↓) POW: 388 (21) SPE: 1310 (111) DEX: 1247 (68) MIN: 1087 (50)
INT: 1419 (118) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 229
杖極 Lv Max
魔纏 Lv Max
虚実 Lv Max
虚撃 Lv 6
天元突破 Lv 3 (NEW, 3) Evolved from 限界突破
反撥 Lv 9 (1)
瞬動 Lv 9 (1)
武仙術 Lv 9 (1)
止壊 Lv 8
転移 Lv Max
重力 Lv Max
掌握 Lv Max
空間魔法 Lv Max
天仙術 Lv 2 (1)
極界 Lv Max (1)
Servitude Lv Max
Insentience Lv Max
軽気功 Lv 9
内丹術 Lv 9 (1)
空歩 Lv Max
羅神眼 Lv Max
悶技 Lv 1 (NEW, 3) Evolved from 蕩技
淫仙術 Lv 2 (NEW, 2) Evolved from 房中術
Shut-In Lv 9
Loner Lv 9
大賢者 Lv 9
剣帝 Lv 4 (1)
錬金術師 Lv Max
性帝 Lv 9
智慧 Lv 9
慧解 Lv 8 (1)
術理 Lv 8 (1)
(too much that Haruka didn't bother confirming )

Evening of Day 248[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN? ( ?↑) Age: 17 Level: 41 ( 2↑) Job: ---
HP: 516 (15↑) MP: 1622 (176↑)
VIT: 278 (33↓) POW: 317 (71↓) SPE: 1401 (91↑) DEX: 1329 (82↑) MIN: 1146 (59↑)
INT: 1533 (114↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 27
杖天 Lv 2 (NEW, 2↑) Evolved from 杖極
虚実 Lv Max
虚撃 Lv 8 (2↑)
天元突破 Lv 4 (1↑)
反撥 Lv Max (1↑)
瞬動 Lv Max (1↑)
武仙術 Lv Max (1↑)
天衣無縫 Lv 1 (NEW) Probably consolidated from 魔纏, 止壊, 転移, 重力, 掌握, 空間魔法
天仙術 Lv 4 (2↑)
極界 Lv Max (1↑)
Servitude Lv Max
Insentience Lv Max
羽化登仙 Lv 1 (NEW) Probably consolidated from 軽気功 and 空歩
変態百出 Lv 1 (NEW) Probably consolidated from 内丹術 and 淫仙術
羅神眼 Lv Max
悶技 Lv 4 (4↑)
Shut-In Lv 9
Loner Lv 9
世捨人 Lv 1 (NEW) Consolidated from 大賢者 and 錬金術師
剣天 Lv 1 (7↑) Evolved from 剣帝
性天 Lv 1 (NEW, 2↑) Evolved from 性帝
武芸万般 Lv 1 (NEW)
智慧 Lv 9
慧解 Lv 9 (1↑)
術理 Lv 9 (1↑)
(too much that Haruka didn't bother confirming )

Evening of Day 283[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN?? ( ?↑) Age: 17 Level: 43 ( 2↑) Job: ---
HP: 526 (10↑) MP: 1670 (48↑)
VIT: 260 (18↓) POW: 292 (26↓) SPE: 1452 (51↑) DEX: 1373 (44↑) MIN: 1187 (41↑)
INT: 1595 (62↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 108
杖天 Lv 4 (2↑)
羽化登仙 Lv 2 (1↑) Changed from SKILL to COMBAT
虚実 Life or Death Lv Max
虚撃 Lv 9 (1↑)
天元突破 Lv 5 (1↑)
反撥 Lv Max
瞬閃 Lv1 (NEW)
武仙術 Lv Max (1↑)
天衣無縫 Lv 3 (NEW, 3↑) While marked as "NEW", it was already acquired on Day 248 when Haruka leveled up to 41.
天仙術 Lv 5 (1↑)
極界 Lv Max
使役 Servitude Lv Max
無心 Insentience Lv Max
変態百出 Lv 3 (2↑)
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye Lv Max
奇技淫巧 Lv 3 (2↑) Combined from 悶技 & 淫仙術 on Day 249
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 9
にーと NEET Lv 9
ぼっち Loner Lv 9
世捨人 Lv 2 (1↑)
剣天 Lv 2 (1↑)


Lv 3 (2↑)
武芸万般 Lv 1 (NEW)
智慧 Lv 9
慧解 Lv Max (1↑)
術理 Lv Max (1↑)
(too much that Haruka didn't bother confirming )

Web Novel Part 2535[]

Name: Haruka Race: HUMAN?? Age: 17 Level: 44 (1↑) Job: ---
HP: 535 (9↑) MP: 1746 (76↑)
VIT: 251 (9↓) POW: 271 (21↓) SPE: 1491 (39↑) DEX: 1401 (28↑) MIN: 1212 (25↑)
INT: 1639 (44↑) LUK: Max (Above Limit) SP: 16
杖天 Lv 6 (2↑)
羽化登仙 Lv 3 (1↑)
虚実 Life or Death Lv Max
虚撃 Lv 9
天元突破 Lv 6 (1↑)
反撥 Lv Max
瞬閃 Lv 5 (4↑)
武仙術 Lv Max
天衣無縫 Lv 4 (1↑)
天仙術 Lv 7 (2↑)
極界 Lv Max
使役 Servitude Lv Max
無心 Insentience Lv Max
変態百出 Lv 5 (2↑)
羅神眼 Jupiter Eye Lv Max
奇技淫巧 Lv 5 (2↑)
軽佻浮薄 Lv 1 (NEW)
ひきこもり Shut-In Lv 9
にーと NEET Lv 9
ぼっち Loner Lv 9
世捨人 Lv 4 (2↑)
剣天 Lv 4 (2↑)


Lv 5 (2↑)
武芸万般 Lv 3 (2↑)
智慧 Lv Max (1↑)
慧解 Lv Max
術理 Lv Max
(too much that Haruka didn't bother confirming )


Servants bound by Servitude[]

  • Mean Girls (Day 11)
  • Angelica (some time during Day 28~29)
  • Mr. Slime (Day 50)
  • Dancing Girl (Day 71)
  • Archdemon Scythe A~C (sometime between Day 43 and Day 87), evolved from Demon Scythe
  • Sleeping Girl (Day 114)
  • Demon Morningstar (Day 131)
  • Patched Up Girl (Day 152)
  • Ghost Girl

Servants bound by Demon Ring[]

  • Demon Scythe A~C (Day 42)
  • High Evil Elephant (Day 136), evolved from Evil Elephant
  • Evil Flower (Day 169)



  • Haruka's birthday falls on April 2nd.
  • Haruka's blood type is AB.
  • Originally, the author planned for Haruka to meet a cruel fate at the end of the Tanaka arc, handing off the narrative to other main characters. However, due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback on Haruka, the author made a decision to rewrite the conclusion of the Tanaka arc, retaining Haruka as the protagonist.[3][4]
  • Apparently, Haruka prefers cooked fish over sushi [5]
  1. Web Novel Part 1242
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 A bug in the web novel causes all dates after Day 48 to be one less than the actual date. The date written here is the actual date instead of the web novel date.
  3. https://mypage.syosetu.com/mypageblog/view/userid/658300/blogkey/1548225/
  4. https://mypage.syosetu.com/mypageblog/view/userid/658300/blogkey/1549797/
  5. Web Novel Part 1166