Requiem for many stars (果てなき星へのレクイエム, Hatenakihoshi no rekuiemu) is the fourteenth volume of Loner Life in Another World Light Novel. It is written by Shoji Goji.
Volume 14 covers the equivalent of the second half of Web Novel Part 572 (Day 121[1]) ~ Web Novel Part 617 (Day 127[1]).
未だ自らの体の制御が上手くいかない“ぼっち”の高校生・遥(はるか)。そのせいで女子たちから後方で戦うようにと止められてしまう。仕方がないので、遥は魔法での戦い方を研究し始める。その過程で、魔法職の持つ杖の重要性に気がついた遥は、またとんでもない武器を開発してしまう!? 辺境では過去に死んでいった者たちを弔うため、慰霊祭が開かれる。辺境を護るために命が尽きるまで戦った者たちへ、遥たち一行も神社を建て日本式で弔うことに。しかし何故かそこには、アンジェリカの石像が立っているようで……?
Rough translation:
For the warriors on the other side, the warrior maiden dances
Haruka, the "loner" high school student who still couldn't control his body well. Because of that, the girls tried to stop him and get him to fight from the rear. Having no way around it, Haruka began to research now to fight with magic. During the process, Haruka realizing the importance of a staff for caster classes, developed an incredible weapon again!?
To send off those who had died in the Frontier in the past, a Festival-To-Comfort-The-Spirits was started. To pray for those who had fought for the Frontier until their lives gave out, Haruka and co. built a Japanese-styled shrine. But why is a stone statue of Angelica erected there...?
The 14th volume of the tale of the strongest solo player in an otherworld conquest!"
Bonus Short Stories[]