The web novel for Loner Life in Another World, written by Shoji Goji, is the original source material of the series.
It is currently serialized on Narou's R-18 site, known as Nocturn, with new posts daily.
Web Novel Synopsis / Introduction[]
Teleported with an entire class to another world, but upon meeting god, all the skills were already sold out.
All the left-over crap skills were forced upon him as he traveled to the other world, but all the classmates have went elsewhere so he was alone in the forest.
The protagonist doesn't introduce himself, doesn't remember his classmates' names, doesn't remember the names of the otherworlders he encountered, and he doesn't even care to find out the name of this other world. Plus he seem to have no drive, this is a story of that type of protagonist, and if you would still read it it would make my day.
The web novel is always written in first-person narrative, usually narrated by Haruka, but occasionally by other characters as well.
Haruna is somewhat of a unreliable narrator, often avoiding mentioning what is actually on his mind at the moment, what he is actually doing, or what is happening to him. Sometimes the unreliability is revealed later when the perspective changes to a different character observing Haruka, other times Haruka would reflect upon incidents that occurred earlier and reveal what was on his mind earlier.
Each post for the web novel is called a part (部分, bubun). The title for each part is in the form of a quote from Haruka, even when the narrator for that post is somebody else.
Each part opens with the date (and often time) and the location for context, before the narrative begins. Occasionally some scene changes or narrator changes within the same part would specify the new date/time-location context.
Writing Style[]
As typical of many web novels, dialogs are often written without the speaker explicitly identified, leaving the reader to figure out either from how characters speak or from the overall greater context of the situation.
The author uses nested Japanese quotation marks (「」) to indicate people speaking in unison, or when people are talking over each other. As an example (using Japanese quotation marks with English text):
「Good afternoon Mean Girls, how was 「「「「「We are not the Mean Girls!」」」」」」 your hike to the mountains?」
In the above example, five people said "Hello" in unison, then while the sixth person responded and mentioned "Mean Girls", the five people interjected the sixth speaker, complaining they are not the Mean Girls.
Serialization History[]
The web novel began serialization on the Sousetsuka ni Narou ("Narou") website from 2016 October 12th, with a placeholder title called Chi-to Sukiru wa Urikiredatta (. English: "Cheat Skills Sold Out""). It was rated R-15 rating with warning of depiction of cruelty.
On October 27th, 2017, the author announced that he had been banned by Narou for inappropriate sexual content[1]. By then the serialization was up to Web Novel Part 610. The author created an alt account, and beginning with Web Novel Part 611, moved the serialization to Nocturn instead[2]. All previous posts up to Part 610 were also ported over to Nocturn.
On November 6th, 2017, the author announced the possibility of being published as physical books[3].
On November 8th, 2017, the author's old account had been unlocked and Web Novel Part 1~Web Novel Part 295 had been restored on the original Narou account[4]. Later on the same day the author finished porting all the old posts from Narou to Nocturn.
On November 9th, 2017, the author announced that the official title had been decided as Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku (ひとりぼっちの異世界攻略. English: "Lonely Attack on the Different World").
The web novel kept the original placeholder title as a sub-title, in the form of Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku ~ Chi-to Sukiru wa Urikiredatta ~ (ひとりぼっちの異世界攻略 ~チートスキルは売り切れだった~. English: "Lonely Attack on the Different World - Cheat Skills Sold Out").
The light novel, on the other hand, recycled the placeholder title as book 1's title: Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku life 1. Chi-to Sukiru wa Urikiredatta ~ (ひとりぼっちの異世界攻略 life 1. チートスキルは売り切れだった. English: "Lonely Attack on the Different World life 1. Cheat Skills Sold Out").
See also[]
- the web novel on Narou (R-15), up to Part 296 plus additional short stories (Japanese)
- the web novel on Narou (R-18), full series (Japanese)
- Notice from the author explaining the move to the R-18 site (Japanese)
- Category:Web Novel Parts
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